Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Today, it was a great day!

Some days just work out well. Today was one of them. I cooked this for dinner, and it was pretty good, not great, but even James ate it.

I got a pretty amazing email in my work inbox. It makes me think that all of this may be worth it. I continue to pursue using my blog, my writing and basically my life as a way to market myself and my brand. Whatever that may be. All in all, TODAY WAS A GREAT DAY!

Then, I got my lab results from my first ever grownup doctor's visit (yes, I will be 40 this year) that didn't involve a baby. I have very high cholesterol. 255. BUT I also have very high HDL , 99, which is the good stuff and is cardioprotective so all is good. Once again, I have no idea what this means but I think when the doctor puts a smiley face on the results this is good! My Blood sugar, liver function and kidney function are all in the normal range. BUT, I have extremely low Vitamin D, so I have to go on a month long prescription regimen. Now, of all the things that I thought my blood work would show, Vitamin D being abnormal was not at the top of my list. Needless to say, I am saddened that my blogging is about my cholesterol and my Vitamin D level. This just proves that I am old. Getting older by the minute and I have to take care of myself. If not for me, but for Jeff, Lilly and James.

Family, Work, Health and life is good! I am lucky!

Business 2 Blogger


Anonymous said...

soup recipe looks awesome. I am
going to try it. picture makes it
looks great! summer/sunshine will
be great for Vitamin D -
Isn't there a country/western song
"Some days are diamonds and some days are stones!" Today sounds like a diamond day -congratulations!

Anonymous said...

My chelostrol was once 265. Last time it was 168. It can come down. Love your blog!
Grann Pa